how do you win the lottery

Pray to Win the Lottery offers two prayers for winning the lottery. Not to encourage greed but to supply needs for the family. This video is not condoning gambling, but is asking the viewer to have faith in God for all things you do. Thank you.

Here is the link to read the Denver Post article about the Praying Mom.

Here is the link to read the NBC article about the Praying Widower who won the lottery.

Here’s the link to the CNN article that answers the question, “Is it okay to Pray to Win the Lottery?”

Here’s the link to the Washington Times article about Praying to Win.

Here’s an article about an atheist who converted after he mother won the lottery.

If any links expire, please notify me so I can update them. Thank you!

“You ask and you receive not because you ask amiss: that you may spend it on your lusts.” James 4:3

The music for this video was composed by Boldradish. It is not in the public domain.

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